Lessons from musicians with teaching, performing, and educational credentials!
- Rates: $110.00/month 1 month in advance to be paid at the beginning of the month. Some months may have 5 of the same weekday or may contain a holiday. The amount to be paid per month will be the same regardless and will actually balance out over the course of a year.
- Hourly rates are 160/month.
- Single hourly lessons are 50/hour.
- House calls are negotiated individually
- No lessons on the following Holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4th.
- Make-ups will only be considered with a 24 hour notice and must be made up that week if the schedule allows, LOG will always try to accommodate but if there is no opening for the make up you simply will not receive one nor credit towards another lesson. If the teacher is unable to attend a lesson the student can choose to reschedule, receive credit, or be reimbursed.
- Credit for cancellations: There will be no monetary credit for cancellations. Once you have paid for the month that is it for that month. If you know ahead of time you have to miss a week and let LOG know well in advance(before the month you will be missing a week) then you will not be billed for the lesson that is going to be missed.
- Recitals: There will be 2 recitals per year (TBA) one in the fall or winter and one in the spring or summer. There is a fee for all who perform to cover the costs of the rental space, equipment and other professional musicians involved. A fee of 15 dollars per student performer is required.
- Students are responsible for their own materials, instruments, and need to follow their instructors recommended practice schedule.
- The teacher is responsible for providing a safe, judgment free, fun, and effective learning environment.